What is the True Definition of Motivation?

Why do some fail while others succeed? Why are some rich while others remain poor? Typically the answer is motivation or more-often a “lack” of motivation.

Motivation is generally defined as the force that compels us to act. It drives us to work hard and pushes us to succeed. Motivation influences our behavior and our ability to accomplish goals.

There are many different forms of motivation. Each one influences behavior in its own unique way. No single type of motivation works for everyone. People’s personalities vary and so accordingly does the type of motivation, that is most effective at inspiring their behavior and action.

What is the true definition of Motivation? Let’s take a look. Merriam-Webster defines Motivation as:

1. the act or process of giving someone a reason for doing something.
2. the condition of being eager to act or work.
3. a force or influence that causes someone to do something.

As mentioned, people are “compelled” to do what they do, whether they are motivated by good or bad influences, they are “motivated” all the same.

Motivation is typically broken down into (7) types or “areas” of motivation:

Incentive is a form of motivation that involves rewards, both monetary and non-monetary. Many people are driven by the knowledge that they will be rewarded in some manner for achieving a certain target or goal. Bonuses and promotions are good examples of this type of incentive-based motivation.

Fear motivation involves consequences. This type of motivation is often one that is utilized when incentive motivation fails. Religious denominations throughout history have used the “wrath of God”, or at the very least, ex-communication from the group as a fear driven motivator to keep their followers motivated to stay compliant and obedient.

Punishment or negative consequences:
This type of motivation is a variant of Fear motivation. This type of motivation is commonly used to motivate students in the education system and also frequently in a professional setting to motivate employees. If we break the rules or fail to achieve the set goal, we are penalized in some way.

We are driven to achieve goals and tackle new challenges. We desire to improve skills and prove our competency both to others and to ourselves. Generally, this feeling of accomplishment and achievement is intrinsic in nature, however, in certain circumstances achievement-based motivation may involve external recognition. We often have a desire or need to receive positive feedback from both our peers and our superiors. This may include anything from an award to a simple pat on the back for a job well done.

The need for self-improvement is truly an internal motivation. A burning desire to increase our knowledge of ourselves and of the outside world can be a very strong form of motivation. We seek to learn and grow as individuals.

“The purpose of learning is growth, and our minds, unlike our bodies, can continue growing as long as we live.” – Mortimer Adler

We want to have choices and control over our own lives. We strive for the ability to choose the paths we take and the way our lives will unfold in the future. Unfortunately, there are often those who aspire to control others. The desire for control is stronger in some people than others, and in some cases, the craving for power motivates people to harmful, immoral, or illegal behavior. In other situations, the longing for power is merely a desire to affect the behavior of others. We are each capable of orchestrating our own destinies, NEVER try to impose your thoughts, feelings, desires or ambitions on another.

Many people are motivated by social factors. This may be a desire to belong, and to be accepted by a specific peer group or a desire to relate to the people in our sphere or in the larger world. We have a need for acceptance and affiliation. A genuine and passionate desire to contribute and to make a difference in the lives of others can be another form of social motivation.

The real importance of understanding the different types of motivation is in our ability to determine which form of motivation is the most effective for inspiring the desired behavior in either others or ourselves. None of these types of motivation are inherently good or bad, the positive or negative outcome is truly determined by the way they are applied.

We truly hope this short article has been of significance, and that it will help you determine your motivational style, as well as, bring out and enhance the best qualities of your personality and spirit.


Additional motivational resources to aid you in your journey are available at globalmotivators.com for you convenience, as well as links to other great motivational materials.

How to Stay Motivated

“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.”- Zig Ziglar.

Motivation is a determining factor in how you view life, and in how you experience life. Once a person is inspired and motivated, the most important thing they can do is keep that positive momentum going. Listed below are several tips to assist you in maintaining a positive, fulfilling life.

Tip #1: Stay Optimistic
Don’t let pessimistic individuals, worldly events, and negative news generated by mainstream media dampen your spirit. As often as possible, replace negative news or media programs with positive, uplifting ones. You cannot change the past, but you can change your future by choosing to live a motivated, inspired life.

Tip #2: “Seize the Day”
It is depressing, unhealthy and de-motivational to feel guilty and (or) blame yourself for events that occurred in the past. The past is simply that… the past. Let painful memories go and focus on the present. Savor every moment of every day, and look towards a magnificent future filled with love, life, opportunity and abundance that YOU will create.

Tip #3: Choose uplifting activities
Strive to include enjoyable and edifying activities into your day. Whether it be a walk on the beach or in the park, listening to your favorite music or your favorite motivational speaker as you drive to work in the morning, spending time exercising or meditating, gardening or enjoying your favorite hobby, spend this time knowing that it is time well spent. It is time that will “feed your spirit”, “recharge your batteries”, and motivate you to do, desire and “be” more than you ever thought possible.

Tip #4: Change your perspective
The power of positive thinking can have a dramatic affect on your life. Albert Einstein was quoted as saying, “The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe”. Coming from one of the most brilliant minds that existed, that is a profound statement. Make a conscious decision to see the good in this world, in everyone and everything. You will be amazed at how this shift in your perspective can influence your mood, your mind and your life.

Tip #5: Motivational Mentors
Find motivational mentors and (or) role models that live the lifestyle you desire to create. Look for individuals, (living, or those who have passed on) who demonstrate qualities of compassion, generosity, optimism and motivation. These souls typically demonstrate or demonstrated the ability to live their lives unaffected by adverse circumstances or individuals. They consistently exhibit or exhibited a passion for and in their beliefs. Use their spirit to motivate yours as you walk your path.

Tip #6: Defeat is not an option
Never give up on your dreams. Obstacles and adversity will arise, and may try to hold you back for a while, but they can not determine the outcome of a situation or your life. The only thing that can defeat you is YOU. If you feel overwhelmed, exhausted or frustrated, don’t give up; close your eyes, take a deep breathe, go within and focus on the life that you deserve and are entitled to.

Remember, “the sun is always shining behind the clouds” – Dr. Wayne Dyer

You can find additional motivational at http://www.globalmotivators.com, as well as links to other great motivational materials.

Stay Motivated!

Motivation – A Lifelong Habit

Ask yourself the following questions:
What do you want out of life?
What has been the purpose of your life thus far?

Learning how to develop lifelong motivation will greatly affect your quality of life.

The first step to developing lifelong motivation is to determine WHAT you truly desire and WHY you want it. You might want to be rich or simply want to find happiness in your life.
The second step in attaining what you truly desire is determining HOW to achieve it. Once you develop a strategy or plan to achieve what you want, you can begin working towards your goal, receiving it.

These methods are offered in the hopes that you will understand and apply the concepts of motivation in your life, from this day forward.

Jean Monet said, “there are two kinds of people: those who want to be someone, or those who do something.”

The advice presented is useless if you don’t act upon it. There is a biblical quote that says, “faith without works is dead.” Ideas and wishful thinking will definitely spark motivation, but if you don’t act upon these feelings, nothing in your life will change. Never let critics, or “well-meaning” people hinder you from pursuing your ambitions. By all means find mentors and role models to support you with your ambitions, but if your true goal is to move from a life of alcoholism to sobriety, don’t take advice from your alcoholic brother-in-law, seek advice from someone who has defeated the addiction and moved on to a better life.

The most important thing if you take nothing else away from this writing, GET STARTED! Right now! Right where you are!

The simplest motivational formula that can be applied in any situation, throughout the course of your life, is to:

A. Focus on what you really want.
B. Get excited about it.
C. Be passionate about it.
D. Work with absolute certainty & resolute faith, believing that you will receive the object or results you desire.

Periodically look at the action(s) you have taken as you work towards achieving your ambitions. Reflection allows you to learn from your experiences, and to refine your methods of achievement if necessary, which will increase the rate at which you achieve your desired result. Reflection will allow you to constantly learn and grow as you move forward. As you learn and grow you will ultimately become the person you need to be, to fulfill your vision(s).

Motivation is literally the DESIRE to do things. It’s the difference between waking up before dawn to greet the day and set out to fulfill your desires, or choosing to lie around the house all day, vegetating and accomplishing nothing. It’s the crucial element in setting and achieving goals. Figure out what you want, power through the obstacles, and start being the person you truly want to be.

Stay motivated and you WILL succeed!

Additional motivational resources to aid you in your journey are available at globalmotivators.com for you convenience, as well as links to other great motivational materials.

What is Motivation?

What is Motivation?

What is the definition of Motivation?

Merriam-Webster defines Motivation as:

1. the act or process of giving someone a reason for doing something.
2. the condition of being eager to act or work.
3. a force or influence that causes someone to do something.

Abraham H Maslow (1908-1970) was a humanistic psychologist who concentrated on human potential for self-actualization. He is chiefly known for his “hierarchy of needs” model which is as follows, listed from least to most important on a psychological scale:

5. Physiological needs:
These include the things that are vital to our survival (food, water, air).
4. Safety needs:
Some of the basic security and safety needs include Financial Security, and Heath and Wellness needs.
3. Social needs:
Some of the things that satisfy this need include: Friendships, Romance, Family and Churches and religious organizations.
2. Self-esteem needs:
The esteem needs include such things as self-esteem and personal worth.
1. Self-actualization needs:

At the very peak of Maslow’s hierarchy are the self-actualization needs. “What a man can be, he must be,” Maslow explained, referring to the need people have to achieve their full potential as human beings. According to Maslow’s definition of self-actualization: “It may be loosely described as the full use and exploitation of talents, capabilities, potentialities, etc. Such people seem to be fulfilling themselves and to be doing the best that they are capable of doing… they are people who have developed or are developing to the full stature of which they capable.”
The essence of the hierarchy is the notion of “pre-potency”, which means that you are not going to be motivated by any higher-level needs until your lower-level ones have been satisfied. Where the model is useful is in identifying individuals who get stuck on the lower levels, and who because of insecurity or trauma, cannot afford to be concerned about, or lack the motivation to ever reach higher levels.

“Your life today is the result of your attitudes and choices in the past. Your life tomorrow will be the result of your attitudes and the choices you make today.” – Author Unknown

Motivation is the characteristic that is required in order to achieve anything in life; without it you will give up at the first sign of adversity. If you embrace and apply motivation it can, and will change your life. You will be inspired to get what you want regardless of what people tell you that you cannot do, or of “obstacles” that try to materialize in your path. If you do not like where you currently are, living life everyday unhappy and frustrated; it is probably because you do not possess any motivation for what you are currently doing, or the direction in which life is “taking” you. It is up to you to find out what you would really like to be doing with your life.
What kind of lifestyle do you want? What kind of career do you want? When you learn how to achieve motivation for something you truly desire; nothing can stop you from having it. So think about what truly motivates you, then take action towards it and it will become your reality!

Now that you truly know what Motivation is, APPLY IT, and above all STAY MOTIVATED!

Suggestions for other motivational resources are available at globalmotivators.com for you convenience, as well as links to other great motivational materials.

How to Stay Motivated at Work

“Are you bored with life? Then throw yourself into some work you believe in with all you heart, live for it, die for it, and you will find
happiness that you had thought could never be yours.” – Dale Carnegie

Dale Harbison Carnegie was born on November 24, 1888 in Maryville, Missouri as a poor farmer’s son. By the time of Carnegie’s death on May 18,
1941, his book, How to Win Friends and Influence People, had sold five million copies in 31 languages, and there had been 450,000 graduates of
his Dale Carnegie Institute. He had triumphed over poverty and adversity to become one of the best known self-help and motivational authors,
speakers and teachers of all time.The Dale Carnegie Course in Effective Speaking and Human Relations is a learn-by-doing based program for
individuals based on Dale Carnegie’s teachings. It is currently represented in more than 90 countries, and to date, more than 8 million people
have completed Dale Carnegie Training.

The course is based on a five-phase continuous improvement cycle:
1. Building greater self-confidence.
2. Strengthening people skills.
3. Enhancing communication skills.
4. Developing leadership skills.
5. Improving attitude and reducing stress.

These five principles have proven to be the foundation of ALL motivational thinking today, particularly in the workplace. Look around at
successful business people. You’ll find that they are confident in their work and enthusiastic about getting things done, they are inspiring,
and they empower others around them to succeed – they are engaged in all aspects of their work and life. Mr. Carnegie was a true pioneer in
the field of motivation in the workplace. The subtitle of the Dale Carnegie Institute’s website home page bears testament to that, it reads,
“Igniting Workplace Enthusiasm”.

Applying Mr. Carnegie’s principles to and in your life are essential in becoming and staying motivated, in the work place and beyond.
Let’s review them again.

1. Building greater self-confidence.
Self confidence is the difference between feeling unstoppable and feeling scared out of your wits. Your perception of yourself has an
enormous impact on how others perceive you. Perception is reality, simply put, the more self confidence you have, the more likely it is you
will succeed. Don’t let people or circumstances diminish your level of confidence. ALWAYS see yourself as successful.

2. Strengthening people skills.
Following are a few specific tactics can help you improve your people skills at work; Show that you are an approachable and pleasant person
to interact with by being genuine and trustworthy, Actively listen to what others have to say, Practice being empathetic, Recognize the
validity in the positions and opinions of others, and lastly, Don’t take yourself too seriously.

3. Enhancing communication skills.
Take your time and communicate clearly, communication should not be so rushed that it causes misunderstandings.

4. Developing leadership skills.
Learn to listen well, encourage everyone, share much, and inspire constantly. Become the kind of person people want to follow.

5. Improving attitude and reducing stress.
The three easiest ways to improve your attitude are to: Practice gratitude, Pinpoint and eliminate the causes of negative thoughts in your life,
and Maintain a healthy diet and exercise.

By following the principles established by Dale Carnegie, you will be well on your way
to living a motivated and inspired life of abundance and gratitude.

You can find additional motivational at www.globalmotivators.com, as well as links to other great motivational materials.

Stay Motivated!

What is Motivation?

What is Motivation?

What is the definition of Motivation? Let’s take a look.
Merriam-Webster defines Motivation as:

1. the act or process of giving someone a reason for doing something.
2. the condition of being eager to act or work.
3. a force or influence that causes someone to do something.

Abraham H Maslow (1908-1970) was a humanistic psychologist who concentrated on human potential for self-actualization. He is chiefly known for
his “hierarchy of needs” model which is as follows, listed from least to most important on a psychological scale:

5. Physiological needs:
These include the things that are vital to our survival (food, water, air).
4. Safety needs:
Some of the basic security and safety needs include Financial Security, and Heath and Wellness needs.
3. Social needs:
Some of the things that satisfy this need include: Friendships, Romance, Family and Churches and religious organizations.
2. Self-esteem needs:
The esteem needs include such things as self-esteem and personal worth.
1. Self-actualization needs:
At the very peak of Maslow’s hierarchy are the self-actualization needs. “What a man can be, he must be,” Maslow explained,
referring to the need people have to achieve their full potential as human beings.
According to Maslow’s definition of self-actualization:
“It may be loosely described as the full use and exploitation of talents, capabilities, potentialities, etc. Such people seem to be
fulfilling themselves and to be doing the best that they are capable of doing… They are people who have developed or are developing to the
full stature of which they capable.”

The essence of the hierarchy is the notion of “pre-potency”, which means that you are not going to be motivated by any higher-level needs
until your lower-level ones have been satisfied. Where the model is useful is in identifying individuals who get stuck on the lower levels,
and who because of insecurity or trauma, cannot afford to be concerned about, or lack the motivation to ever reach higher levels.

“Your life today is the result of your attitudes and choices in the past. Your life tomorrow will be the result of your attitudes and the
choices you make today.” – Author Unknown

Motivation is the characteristic that is required in order to achieve anything in life; without it you will give up at the first sign of
adversity. If you embrace and apply motivation it can, and will change your life. You will be inspired to get what you want regardless of
what people tell you that you cannot do, or of “obstacles” that try to materialize in your path. If you do not like where you currently are,
living life everyday unhappy and frustrated; it is probably because you do not possess any motivation for what you are currently
doing, or the direction in which life is “taking” you. It is up to you to find out what you would really like to be doing with your life.
What kind of lifestyle do you want? What kind of career do you want? When you learn how to achieve motivation for something you truly desire;
nothing can stop you from having it. So think about what truly motivates you, then take action towards it and it will become your reality!

Now that you truly know what Motivation is, APPLY IT, and above all STAY MOTIVATED!

Suggestions for other motivational resources are available at globalmotivators.com for you convenience, as well as links to other
great motivational materials.

How To Motivate Yourself

How to Motivate Yourself

Life was never intended to be a dull, monotonous, routine that you mindlessly walk through with no goals or aspirations.

Life is a wonderful journey, and your primary goal is to share, learn, love and create a life that adds value, both to yourself,

and to those you come in contact with each day. Following are several suggestions you can adopt and apply which will greatly

enhance your ability to broaden your horizons, lift your spirit, and hopefully give you the desire to be more than you ever

thought you were capable of being.

 “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” – Lao Tzu

1.Stay Focused

There is no shortage of people and events that can easily shift your focus from bliss to bleak, don’t allow this to

happen. It’s OK to acknowledge a negative event or individual that enters your life, but the key to maintaining a positive outlook

is not to dwell on the negativity. When you find your optimism being “drained”, focus on the core beliefs that keep you motivated

and inspired, not on the obstacle. You’ll be surprised at how quickly you will feel “blissful” again.

2. Surround yourself with Positive Energy

Build a “shield” if you will, of positive influences, and strengthen the shield by a constant exposure to motivational and

inspirational music, pictures, videos, and literature. No doubt we’ve all heard of the positive effects of uplifting music, poetry,

and motivational affirmations on everything from unborn babies to houseplants. Loving positive feelings radiate a positive energy

that strengthen our resolve, and lift our spirits.

3. Establish Goals

It’s been said that “you can never hit the target if you don’t have one. Not only does reaching or accomplishing a goal

you’ve established strengthen your self esteem, achieving a goal will motivate your desire to establish larger and grander goals.

It’s also a great idea to keep a written journal handy, not only to reflect on accomplished goals, but to jot down inspirational

and motivational thoughts and ideas as they come to you throughout the course of the day.

4. Stay away from negative people!

As mentioned earlier, there is no shortage of negative people in the world, people who for some reason have determined

that the world is a hostile and desolate place. For these misguided souls, it’s not enough to be “stuck in a rut” of pessimism,

they want to pull you into the same rut. If at all possible, use your positive influence and resources to try & “break the spell”

that has a grip on this type of individual, but if you feel your spirit too is being “pulled down”, regroup, focus on your

core beliefs, and part company. You don’t have to abandon the person, you may try to reach them with other methods or with

assistance of a positive team-mate.

5. “Feed the Machine”

Develop an appetite for “All things Positive”. You are never too old, or young, to broaden your mind. Dedicate time each

day to read an article that inspires, or a few chapters from a motivational book. Audio books and (or) motivational videos, CDs

and DVDs are a great resource that can be listened to and view repeatedly as you need encouragement. Suggestions for motivational

resources such as these are available at globalmotivators.com for you convenience, as well as links to other great motivational materials.